Across the Farm Coast, local land trusts have protected thousands of acres of open space from urban sprawl.
The Westport Land Conservation Trust has protected more than 5,000 acres in Westport. WLCT’s farmland preservation model sustains the viability of working farms under private ownership and supports agriculture’s contributions to the local economy.
The Tiverton Land Trust has preserved almost 700 acres of rural Tiverton, including a farmlands project around Nonquit Pond.
The Little Compton Agricultural Conservancy Trust has protected more than 2,200 acres of Little Compton’s rural landscape, including 730 acres in agricultural use. It owns some 700 acres and leases 149 acres to farmers.
Sakonnet Preservation Association holds agricultural easements on privately owned farmland in Little Compton, ensuring its preservation for future generations.
The Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust has protected nearly 5,600 acres of land over the past half-century, including 89 acres for farming. DNRT is currently seeking proposals for the lease of two farm parcels.
Buzzards Bay Coalition has protected nearly 11,000 acres across the Buzzards Bay Watershed (from Sakonnet Point, in Little Compton, to Woods Hole on Cape Cod), and eight working farm projects in Dartmouth since 2017.
The Aquidneck Land Trust serving Portsmouth, Middletown and Newport, Rhode Island, has created a model farmland conservation plan and has preserved more than 1,100 acres of farmland for farms on Aquidneck Island.
Rhode Island’s Department of Environmental Management leases 57 acres of farmland at Tiverton’s 400 acre Eight Rod Farm.
Beyond the Farm Coast, these nonprofits help farmers access farmland:
Land For Good works to get more farmers on more land throughout New England.
The National Young Farmers Coalition has mounted a One Million Acres for the Future Campaign to assist next generation farmers.
The American Farmland Trust works with local partners to save America’s working farms for our future.